Saturday, April 6, 2013

Episode #244

We continue with "My Lord Conqueror: Changes" by Kennedy Northcutt. You can read along or ahead by clicking HERE.

The song snippet you hear this week is sent in by Ina, it's by Eleeza "Bruler_d'amour".

The book recommendation this week, where you can also read an excerpt of the book is called "Scarlet Revenge" by Sheri Lewis Wohl. Click HERE to read the description as well as the excerpt.

The movie recommendation this week, which happens to be a video for help towards raising money for a web series for the Nikki & Nora show that never was allowed to go forward, is "The N&N Files" Indiegogo Campaign. Click HERE to see the video talking about it and click INDIEGOGO for donations towards the fundraising.

For a FREE Audio book download, Click

Any suggestions for the show, recommendations, recipes or just a 'hi' - send them to

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