Sunday, February 23, 2014

Episode #281

Another fabulous episode of Nancy Cornell-Healy's "Salvation" which you can read along or ahead by clicking HERE.

This week's song snippet is Anastascia's Dream With You.

The book recommendation this week is Ali Vali's - Battle of Forces: Sera Toujours, you can read the description & excerpt by clicking HERE.

The movie recommendation this week is "Lesbian Special She4Me" and you can watch the song/video by clicking HERE.

Renee O'Connor's updated site can be accessed by clicking HERE.

FREE AUDIO book, just click on the link to the right =============================================================================>>

For all emails, please send them to

Please consider supporting the show by clicking on the DONATE button in the top right corner of the show notes.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


A new storyline this week!

We thank Nancy Cornell-Healy, aka The Bumbling Bard, for permission to read her storyline on the show.

The storyline is "Salvation" by Nancy Cornell-Healy and you can read ahead or along as I narrate by clicking HERE.

The song snippet this week is Katy Perry's - Dark Horse.

The book recommendation this week is a sequel to "Scarlet Masquerade", it is by Isabella writing as Jett Abbott and is "Scarlet Assassin." You can read the previews to each by clicking on the titles.

The movie recommendation this week is a snippet about the Valentine Day bad gifts given; you can see it by clicking HERE.

Regarding my early Day of Seeing Anniversary gift (not Valentine gift) that I mentioned, this is what I was given:

Yes, I am spoiled and loved.

Okay, movin' on!

Don't forget to get your free Audio book by clicking on the link to the right =================================================================================>>>

Regarding the movie "The CODE" starring Lucy Lawless, please click HERE.

If you'd consider DONATING to the show in support for free giveaway PRIZES and merchandise, please click on the Donate icon in the top right corner of the blog.

If you'd like to email me regarding anything for the show, (ie. song, books, movies or future storylines) please send them to

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Episode #279

Apologies for not posting last week, due to illness.

We have the exciting CONCLUSION to Jenny Frame's - "The Dylan Morgan Show - Season 2" which you can read along with by clicking HERE.

The song snippet you hear this week is Beyonce's - Rise Up.

The movie recommendation this week is actually about the Grammy's history making marriage of couples during the show. You can see it by clicking HERE.

The book recommendation this week is "Daughter of Mystery" by Heather Rose Jones. You can read the description and purchase it by clicking HERE.

Don't forget to get your FREE Audiobook by clicking on the link to the right =====================================================================================>>>

If you'd like to help support the show in any way, please consider clicking on the DONATE link in the top right.

For all emails for story suggestions and the sort, please send to