Friday, July 27, 2012

Episode #213 

We continue on with the next installment / chapter of "Blades of the Red Sun" by Saul Trabal and you can read along or ahead by clicking HERE.

The song snippet this week is Adam Lambert's - For Your Entertainment.

The book recommendation this week is "Dreaming of Her" by Maggie Morton and you can read the description as well as an excerpt by clicking HERE.

The movie recommendation this week is two-fold, you have the Short Film - Heart Rock Point as well as the parody The Real (Enough) L Word Season 2 Parody. You can click on both of the titles for links to the trailers/ movies.

Thanks to Ina for the Tarot Cards and book, as well as the dedication in her first book.

If you have any suggestions for the show, book recommendations, movie recommendations, ideas or any shout out or announcements for the show, send them into

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Episode #212

We start a new story line this week, Saul Trabal's - "Blades of the Red Sun" which you can read along with or ahead by clicking HERE.

The song snippet this week is  Safari Duo.

The book recommendation this week is "The Dragon Tree Legacy" by Ali Vali. You can read the description by clicking HERE.

The movie recommendation this week is a short doco/interview/conference with film producer Shamin Sharif. You can see the trailer by clicking HERE.

For all emails, please send to

Friday, July 13, 2012

Episode #211  

We conclude "After The Storm" by Wendy Arthur. You can read along or on with more of the series by clicking HERE.

Don't forget to send in any emails regarding the story to either myself or to the author - remember they love feedback!

The song snippet this week is Celine Dion's - Falling Into You.

The book recommendation this week is "Beyond Innocence" by Carsen Taite. You can read a description of the book HERE.

The movie recommendation this week is OUTFEST 2012, you can watch the trailer by clicking HERE.

If you should have any comments, suggestions, recommendations, shout outs, announcements or just want to send an email to someone

Friday, July 6, 2012

We continue on with "After the Storm" by Wendy Arthur. Make sure to read along or ahead by clicking her site HERE.

The song snippet this week is Borne on the FM waves of the heart by Against Me! ft. Tegan Quin.

The book recommendation this week Truths by Rebecca S. Buck and you can read the description and an excerpt by clicking HERE.

The movie recommendation this week is FagBug and you can watch it by clicking HERE.

Don't forget to click on the Audible link on the left side of the blog to get your free book today.

The Auction I mentioned on this week's show can be reached by clicking HERE.

If you have any suggestions for the show, whether song, book, movie, recipe, future story or anything else, please email