Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Episode #138
The song snippet this week is Tina Arena's - Chains
The book recommendation this week is J.M. Redmann's - Death by the Riverside and you can read a brief description here.
The movie recommendation this week over at Movies for Lesbians is GYPO and you can read the synopsis and review here.
The request for help on a story research is about Xena going on a mission and Gabrielle staying behind with a friend (boy) then going to find her. Whereupon she gets drunk and gets bitten on the butt by a dog after falling down. If anyone can help find that story...please email me so that I can forward it on to one of the listeners.
All suggestions for future stories, recommendations, recipe suggestions, announcements etc can be emailed to me here at
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Episode #137
The song snippet this week is D Ream - Things Can Only Get Better.
The movie recommendation is week is IN PASSING over at Movies For Lesbians which you can read and see a small trailer by clicking here.
The books that are talked about this week are two that I personally have read and decided to review in this week's show.
They are :
- Ali Vali's - The Devil Be Damned (Click Here)
- Nell Stark & Trinity Tam's - Nevermore (Click Here)
The new site I talked about - TomBoy Teez can be looked at here.
And the Quotes for the week can be read here along with others.
I am asking for suggestions on books, movies and story suggestions for the you know that I listen to you as much as you listen to me!
Please send recipes, books, movies, song snippets or anything else you want to show or talk about here at
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Episode #136 (Updated)
The song snippet you hear on this week's show is Roger Sanchez's - Lost.
The book recommendation this week is by Winter Pennington - Witch Wolf. You can read an excerpt by clicking here.
The movie recommendation this week over at Movies for Lesbians is GIA; click here to see the synopsis and a brief trailer.
The quote of the week - Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
Make sure to check out all the websites we discuss on the show, such as the Cocktail Hour, Renee O', Ausxip, The official Lucy Lawless fanclub site, etc.
I am requesting that listeners please send in story suggestions, recipes and anything else in emails to help out with the show. It would GREATLY be appreciated!!
Email here to
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Episode #135
Episode #135
We continue on with Ab Initio by Cruise. We are on parts XII & XIII and you can read along by clicking here.
The song snippet we hear on this week's show is Beth Hart - Leave the light On.
The book review this week is sent in by the Naughty Nurse and is - David Eddings's :
The Dreamers series tells the story of a war between the Elder Gods and their allies and an entity known as the Vlagh.
- The Elder Gods (2003) with Leigh Eddings
- The Treasured One (2004) with Leigh Eddings
- Crystal Gorge (2005) with Leigh Eddings
- The Younger Gods (2006) with Leigh EddingsThe movie review this week over at the
The Quote of the week - It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
Thank you once again to everyone for your kind support for my fund raising endeavor and the well wishes for the Marathon run.
We need story suggestion as we are coming towards the end of the story, as well as recipes, music suggestions, book and movie recommendations and any announcements going on out in the Xenaverse.
Send hellos and any other emails here to
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Episode #134
Here are a few pics of my sufferance for 26.2 miles (42K)
A great big heartfelt thank you to all of you who donated to such a worth while cause!
We continue on with Ab Initio by Cruise. You can read along here .
The song snippet you hear on this week's show is Kerrie Roberts - No Matter What.
The book recommendation this week over at Bold Stroke Books is Justifiable Risk by VK Powell. You can read the description here.
The movie recommendation this week is The Hours and you can review it here at Movies For Lesbians.
The updated site for the Cocktail Hour is and
It's time to get some suggestions in for stories, song snippets and recipes!!
Please send all emails to!!