Thursday, August 19, 2010

Episode #124

This week's show we do a Xena alternate - and one that we started but had to wait on an update (Don't you just love a tease?!?!)

This week's show is You Can't Tame A Wild Rose by Deny. We started this story back in episode #100 and here now is the long awaited and highly anticipated addition!

The song snippet this week is Tina Cousin's - PRAY.

The book recommendation is Wolfsbane Winter by by Jane Fletcher. You can read the description here.

The movie recommendation this week is an oldie - It is I've Heard Mermaids Singing. You can read the synopsis here.

Please send in some recipes for the Travelin' Bards Recipe's starving for some!

Please send in any future story suggestions, book and movie recommendation, song snippet dedications, announcements and any and all shout outs to

Thank you, Thank you to all of you who have kindly donated to the fundraising! You so rock people!!

Going for a little 15miler (24.1K) this weekend....cross your fingers and wish me luck I don't loose any knees on the way!

1 comment:

Ioanna said...

Just letting you know that the link to download the episode doesn't seem to work anymore ;(