Thursday, February 25, 2010

100th Episode!

~To the 100th Episode~

We celebrate the century marker on Xena & Ubers!

I want to invite all of you to listen and enjoy the 100th Episode of Xena & Ubers.

We take a break from the story line we were doing to give you several wonderful uber stories sent in by you, the listeners.

We start with:
  • Vanessa L's - A Promise of an Eternity
  • Kim's (aka Bardbaric) - A Bard's Fury
  • Kimberly's - Dori's Birthday
and finally
  • Denyse M's - You Can't Tame a Wild Rose
A great and wonderful thank you to all who submitted stories for this show~

Then we have in the Library corner an alternative to the book recommendation:

From Tina we have a four session course on Lesbian Pulp Fiction with notable authors from the 1950's & 60's: (link here)
Patricia Highsmith
Ann Bannon
Marijane Meaker

The music you hear is, of course, Xena :Warrior Princes theme music.

We also have created the great Travelin Bard's Recipe Corner~

Here you will find recipes sent in by you, the listeners, to share with everyone~

I want to take the time out now to thank everyone who has sent in emails congratulating me on the 100th episode. It has been a great pleasure bringing you these shows and I look forward to continuing to do so, with your valued input and suggestions.

Many Thanks

Monday, February 15, 2010

Episode #99

One more episode and we hit the 100!!!! Just a little F.Y.I. (for your information) - Next episode (100th) we will be taking time out from the story we are on.

But in the mean while, we are on A Matter Of Pride by Melissa Good. You can read along with me here.

The song snippet you hear is Sylver - I Will Rise Again.

The book recommendations for this show (by Me) comes in two:
  1. Forever Mine by K.D. Williamson - you can read a summary here.
  2. The Illusionist by Fran Heckrotte- you can read a summary here.
As usual, please send in all emails to I ask again that you send in any recipes, announcements, dedications or shout outs to me there.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Episode #98

On this Episode, we are on Part 12 of A Matter Of Pride by Melissa Good. You can read along with me, your narrator, by visiting her website here.

The song snippet you hear on this episode is Lady Gaga's - Pokerface.

The book recommendation sent in by Kimberly is The Art Of Racing In The Rain by Garth Stein and you can read an excerpt/summary here.

The movie recommendation is sent in by Vanessa this time is a campy British comedy called Lesbian Vampire Killers. You can see a summary of the movie here.

We are only 2 episodes away from the 100th Episode, but we are still asking for recipes to be sent in for the recipe corner as well as suggestions for future stories. You can email anything and everything to

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Episode #97 story we are currently listening to is by Melissa Good and is called A Matter Of Pride. You can listen and read along at her site here.

The song snippet you hear is Deadmau5 by Brazil (2nd Edition).

The movie and book recommendation sent into us by my movie wench Pam is Ghosted and can be viewed here: IMDB & HERE

The podiobrook called Glittrer Girl by Erin O'Briant can be seen at here site here.