Monday, September 29, 2014

Episode # 304

We start on a new storyline this week!

Sherri Rabinowitz's - "The Ghost"  begins in this week's show. You can read along or ahead by clicking HERE.

The song snippet you hear on this week's show is Anastasia's - "I Dreamed You".

The book recommendation this week is Searching for Forever by Emily Smith, you can read the description and an excerpt by clicking HERE.

The movie(s) recommended this week are:

1. Girl/Girl Scene – Behind a (Love) Scene
2. Brides To Be – First Look

For the article about Lucy Lawless on S.H.E.I.L.D. can be read HERE.

For Lucy's article about her next role - click HERE.

For Lucy's article about "The Moment of Truth" - click HERE.

For Lucy's article on Climate Change - Click HERE.

If you have any suggestions about the show, please send them into

Don't forget the recipe corner for this week's recipe. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


We are going to giveaway "Other Girls" by Diane Ayres & "Getting There" by Robbi Sommers in a gift pack with a surprise item (not gonna tell ya what that is 'cause it wouldn't be a surprise then!)

All you have to do to enter is send in your name & address (for where you want it sent to if you win) in an email and the first email name to be pulled out from the hat by the cat's paw wins!

All emails are to be sent to!

That's it!

So enter now!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Episode # 303

We reach the exciting conclusion to "Dark Wood Rising" by Link in this week's show. You can read along by clicking HERE.

The song snippet on this week's show is "Now I'm All Messed Up" by Tegan & Sarah.

The book recommendation this week is "Edge of Awareness" by C.A. Popovich, you can read the description & excerpt by clicking HERE.

The movie recommendations this week are :
1. Tru Love – Trailer
2. Official music video for Dina Sael's 'Just So You Know' with sapphic interest.

Lucy's Official site & information can be read / seen HERE.

The recipe for the Peruvian Chicken can be seen on the Travelin' Bard's Recipe corner - HERE.

Please consider making a Donation to support the show, click on the upper right hand corner where the image is, anything and everything is greatly appreciated and is used to making a better show.

For a FREE audio book, click on the link                                        on the right =======>>>
Free Audio Book

All emails can be sent to