Christmas Episode!
Episode #275
Welcome everyone to the Christmas Episode of XNU. We continue on with Jenny Frame's - "The Dylan Morgan Show - Season 2". You can read along or ahead by clicking HERE to Jenny's Storybook.
The song snippet (which was specific for this episode) is Bruno Mar's - Want to Marry You.
The book recommendation this week is Sapphire Book's Publishing - Karelia Stetz-Waters' "The Admirer". Click HERE for the description and HERE to purchase.
The WINNER of the Free book giveaway this week is...............Renee DeNigris! She's won Lindy Cameron's book - Bleeding Hearts.
Plus, as a special for Christmas, we have a second prize winner too! Congratulations to Jay Tuma!
Don't forget to support the show by clicking on the link to the right for your FREE Audio Book! ===================================================================================>>>>
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